Think Centre celebrates its first birthday!

Posted by under Breaking News on 29 October 2000

Think Centre celebrated its first anniversary at Matahari Pub.

About 20 people, including Think Centre's staff and friends, attended this birthday bash at Matahari Pub, located at the inskirts Pasir Panjang Village. The party started at 7 p.m. and ended late evening.

A 50 cm-diameter large chocolate cake was cut in everyone's presence. Our webmaster, Michael Cheng, did the honours, being the youngest among Think Centre's members.

The next moment, James Gomez, our Executive Director, did a number at the courtesy of the one-man band. Recapping the time when Think Centre started out with none but him, he congratulated the rest of the Think Centre team for all the sweat and blood they had invested to Think Centre, making it what it is today.

Show some love,

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