Appeal of the Earth Day Network for the World Summit 2002

Posted by under Breaking News on 22 April 2002

On the occasion of the Earth Day, 22 April, an appeal by the Earth Day Network, to all Heads of Government to secure the well-being of their citizens by preserving the natural systems that sustains all.

One way to show concern to our Earth is to be more aware of it. Some information on Earth Concerns and possible action for sustainable environment, is available at:

Earth Day Network's theme for Earth Day 2002 is Protect Our Home. Ours is a beautiful and fragile planet, and it is under threat. We have only one planet and we must work together to protect it.

Visit the Earth Day Network website [Click on Link] and sign your support!

Request of Earth Day Network for the World Summit 2002


As you are aware, the World Summit on Sustainable Development is of critical importance to the future of our planet. To help make the summit a success, please sign this appeal to world leaders urging them to attend.

Dear Heads of Government,

We, the undersigned citizens and groups, call on you to attend the World Summit on Sustainable Development in Johannesburg, South Africa in August - September 2002. The World Summit will mark the tenth anniversary of the 1992 Earth Summit - the U.N. Conference on the Environment and Development in Rio de Janeiro. At the Earth Summit, world leaders agreed to a set of principles for meeting our needs without compromising the needs of future generations.

Ten years later, those principles for sustainable development remain largely unfulfilled. Issues such as biodiversity loss, deforestation, climate change, and extinction of species are damaging our priceless ecological resources. Human health is at risk worldwide due to pollution, water shortages, and degradation of farmland. In addition, a growing gap separates developing and developed nations, and a significant percentage of the world's people live in poverty.

We cannot afford another decade of insufficient action. Now, more than ever before, there is a great need to foster a spirit of global partnership. As your nation's leader, you hold a position of responsibility, both to your own citizens and to the global community. Securing the well-being of your own citizens goes hand in hand with preserving the natural systems that sustain us all.

The World Summit offers us a rare opportunity to build international momentum for a sustainable future, in the twenty-first century and beyond. We urge you to attend the summit and implement a strong follow-up plan of action for your country.



1. Email and write: "World Summit signature" in the subject line,

2. and in the text of the email include your organization's name

3. Or sign this letter on the internet at [Click on Link]

4. Please encourage other groups and members of your organization to sign on.

5. Or fax this letter with your signature and organization name to 206.876.2015

Earth Day Network
811 First Ave, Suite 454
Seattle, WA 98104
Tel: 206.876.2000
Fax: 206.876.2015

Show some love,

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