Active citizenry in remaking Singapore

Posted by under Breaking News on 23 August 2005

Think Centre welcomes the Prime Minister's call to Singaporeans to collectively remake Singapore to stay ahead in a rapidly-changing world.

Think Centre agrees that it is economically crucial to foster greater customer-centric service mindsets, innovation and research in our industries.

But Think Centre urges truely compassionate and transparent measures to help the low-income and the old. Beyond the bureacratic mechanics of the CPF Housing Grant, Medishield, Medisave and Child Development Account, such assistance schemes must be readily accessible to the targeted receipients in order for them to benefit fully and lift their social standards.

An active citizenry is not made up by bureaucrats, grassroots leaders, welfare organisations and cicvil society alone. The larger citizenry - lower-incomed, the handicapped, Singaporeans/PRs young and old -must be valued and empowered to be active.

As we await policy details of the various social assistance schemes, Think Centre calls on the government to empower the ordinary citizenry through Citizenship Education on constitutional and human rights and responsibilities, in order for a collective, not exclusivist remaking of Singapore.

An active citizenry is therefore key to the Prime Minister's call to collectively remake our homeland of opportunities. Singapore must reinvent itself to be a vibrant global city and to become a vibrant political society.

Sources and Relevant Links:

Think Centre Human rights Education and AwaReness Tour

Think Centre Singapore: Constitutional Rights

Think Centre Citizenship education: Curriculum on constitutional rights

Think Centre Citizenship Education - You Have The Right!
"equip young Singaporeans with the tools necessary to handle issues related to a urban globalized civil society. The young have to make 'mindset" changes - values, attitudes, approaches. What was claimed to be normal a generation ago is seen as abnormal today! The times have change but many Singaporean have not make the necessary values changes."

Think Centre Speakers' Corner - Governed by Law or Rights?
"In a globalized world, it is important to empower the people through citizenship education and training, ..."

Think Centre Human Rights: Everyone Matters

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